
Name: Igor Aleksanov

Github: popzxc

Info: Professional Rust developer with a strong C/C++ background (from C89 to C++14).


  • Primary: Rust, Python.
  • Solid: C/C++, Haskell, TypeScript, Bash.
  • Moderate: JavaScript, C#, Assembly x86, MATLAB, Go.

Work experience:

  • Rust Developer at Matter labs (Feb 2020 - Present)

    Rust development of zkSync: an open-source scaling solution for Ethereum.

  • Rust Developer at Bitfury (Apr 2018 - Feb 2020)

    Development of the Exonum: an open-source framework for private blockchains written in Rust programming language.

    Main areas of responsibility:

    • BFT consensus;
    • Sodiumoxide-based cryptography (sha256/ed25519/noise protocol);
    • Futures-based event loop;
    • Actix-based REST API;
    • MerkleDB: Merkelized key-value database based on RocksDB;
    • Dynamic services deployment algorithm;
    • Python light client;
    • Python tool for launching dynamic services.
  • Lecturer at ITMO University (Feb 2016 - May 2018)

    Lecturer at courses:

    Programming - winter/spring 2016. Contents - programming using C++, OOP basics, theory of software development.

    Discrete mathematics - autumn/winter 2016. Contents - basics of set theory, combinatorics, state machines, graphs.

    Theoretical Computer Science - autumn/winter 2016/2017. Contents - basics of computability theory and complexity theory, arithmetical hierarchy, turing machines.

    Algorithms & Data structures - winter/spring 2017, autumn/winter 2017. Contents - algorithms analysis, big O notation, classical sorting algorithms, data structures, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, graphs.

    Scientific Programming - autumn/winter 2018. Contents - basics of python programming, numpy, matplotlib, scipy. Basics of statistics, linear programming, gradient descent.

  • C/C++ Developer at Luxoft (Jun 2017 - Apr 2018)

    Automotive UTH practice.

    C development of support library: low-level math, basic 2d geometry, vehicle geometry, communication protocols. C++/Qt support of integration test environment: profiling, debugging, optimizing, refactoring. Python development of unit tests & prototyping new solutions. Module test environment architecture design.

    Team lead responsibilities: estimating of activities, mentoring less experienced developers, communication with the customer.

  • C/C++ Developer at Geoscan (Oct 2014 - Jun 2017)

    Embedded development for UAV using stm32 microcontrollers:

    Experience: C development for STM32F1xx MCUs. C++ development for STM32F4xx MCUs. Developing drivers for NuttX RTOS in C. Devepoing multithreaded applications.